Create MPIs in Java

I use GPG frequently and have a few of my friends I correspond with on a regular basis.  We’re all paranoid and hence tend to use GPG.  What I sorely lack is a GPG client on my BlackBerry.  Sure, there’s Atmoichelix, but CAD $49.50 for a 1 year license, I mean, really?  GPG should be free.  I agree that perhaps a lot of work went into creating the Atomichelix product, but I think its about time a free implementation existed.  So I began writing one.  Best place to start, IMHO, would be by reading RFC 4880.  There’s also a great utility and site that dumps (or parses) packets from PGP blocks.  They’re both wonderful tools for learning the insides of PGP messages.

I’m keeping up a fairly good pace considering I have a day job, wife and child.  I mean, who needs 5 hours of sleep a day when you can get by on 3 right? 😉 I recently tweeted about my accomplishment with creating Multi Precision Integers or MPIs.  I think they are probably really straightforward to implement in C, but in Java, its another story.  While bit manipulation exists in Java, I believe the code you need to write to get the job done is ugly.  I’ll let you, my loyal reader, decide.

According to RFC 4880, item 3.2:

3.2. Multiprecision Integers

Multiprecision integers (also called MPIs) are unsigned integers used to hold large integers such as the ones used in cryptographic calculations. An MPI consists of two pieces: a two-octet scalar that is the length of the MPI in bits followed by a string of octets that contain the actual integer. These octets form a big-endian number; a big-endian number can be made into an MPI by prefixing it with the appropriate length. Examples: (all numbers are in hexadecimal) The string of octets [00 01 01] forms an MPI with the value 1. The string [00 09 01 FF] forms an MPI with the value of 511. Additional rules: The size of an MPI is ((MPI.length + 7) / 8 ) + 2 octets. The length field of an MPI describes the length starting from its most significant non-zero bit. Thus, the MPI [00 02 01] is not formed correctly. It should be [00 01 01]. Unused bits of an MPI MUST be zero. Also note that when an MPI is encrypted, the length refers to the plaintext MPI. It may be ill-formed in its ciphertext.

Here’s the Java code to do that.  This code is specific to BlackBerry handhelds given its use of the DataBuffer.  It would be trivial to change it to use J2SE:

private static byte[] makeMPI(byte[] num) throws IOException
		DataBuffer db = new DataBuffer();

		int bit_ctr = 0;
		int byteVal = 0;
		int byte_ctr = 0;

		for(int q=0;q0;k--)
					if((byteVal & 0x80) == 0)
						byteVal <<= 1;
					} else
			} else
		int mpi_len = ((num.length-byte_ctr)*8)-bit_ctr;

		return db.toArray();

I'm speaking at Hack In The Box 2009!

I just got confirmation that my talk on BlackBerry related spyware and lawful intemalaysia09-bannerrception is accepted for this years Hack In The Box conference in Malaysia! W00t!  I’m quite excited because for one, its the first time I’ll speak at Hack In The Box, and second, HITB has featured some of the best and brightest security professionals from around the world.

I will be speaking on the security of the BlackBerry handhelds and how it’s strong security leaves only one weak link to target: the user.  I will also demo the legal interception PoC (maybe release a toolkit? still debating) and give a live demo on how your handheld can get pwned and what sneaky social engineering tricks can be employed to do so.  I’ll also talk about what risks you face if you get pwned by similar spyware and how you can detect and prevent such attacks in the future.

If you haven’t already done so, you should check out HITB.  If you haven’t already been to one of the cons, you should go.  Its a fantastic place to learn about the latest research, vulnerabilities, developments and other assorted hackery in the security industry.  Unafraid of pulling any punches, L33tdawg does not shy away from hosting in-depth technical talks at his con.  A 2 day Technical Training track precedes the con and is another great way of picking up some m4d l33t sk1llz.  I wrote a post on Burp Suite that talked a little bit about the Web Application Hackers Handbook and one of its authors; well the other author, Marcus Pinto, will be one of the trainers this year talking about Web Application (in)Security.

And after all is said and done, there’s usually one kick-ass party to wrap things up.  So get your asses on down to HITB this year and come say hi, it’ll be a blast!

BlackBerry Lawful Interception

Well, its inevitable, I guess, considering the recent issues with Etisalat’s spyware fiasco.  I’ve been working on a Legal Interception PoC for BlackBerry handhelds.  I figure, I’ll show them how to do it right rather than sitting on the sidelines and taking apart a feeble attempt at spying on BlackBerry users.  So at the moment the client (to be deployed on the handheld) is working well – all incoming and outgoing email can be intercepted and forwarded without a user noticing (and definitely without his battery dying).  I’m considering how I should present this because its a very sensitive topic.  I know a video is probably not going to be as exciting as actually having users try it out live.  I’m debating on how I can release or demo this in a controlled manner to both raise awareness and show off the tech.  I’m sure I’ll think of something.  Stay tuned, though, lots of good stuff on the way…